SEDAR+ categories

Filing Type: Oil and Gas Annual Disclosure (NI 51-101) 

Filing Sub-type: Oil and Gas Annual Disclosure Filing

Document Types:

Cover letter

Oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Forms 51-101 F1, F2 & F3)

Oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Form 51-101 F1)

Oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Form 51-101 F2)

Oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Form 51-101 F3)

Notice of filing of 51-101 F1 Information (Form 51-101 F4)

Notice of Ceasing to Engage in Oil and Gas Activities (form 51-101 F5)


Filing Sub-type: Revised Oil and Gas Annual Disclosure Filing

Document Types:

Cover letter

Revised oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Forms 51-101 F1, F2 & F3)

Revised oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Form 51-101 F1)

Revised oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Form 51-101 F2)

Revised oil and gas annual disclosure filing (Form 51-101 F3)


Filing Sub-type: Oil and Gas Interim Filing

Document Types:

Cover letter

Interim oil and gas disclosure filing


Filing Subtype: Summary Report

Document Types:

Cover letter

Summary of oil and gas report
